Hi there, thank you for visiting our site today - we have some exciting news to share with you. During the course of this year Peckham Therapies is very proud to have grown a business that offers a variety of holistic practices in a comfortable space that is available at flexible hours to suit all clients.

During the first lockdown we initiated an Instagram series providing local businesses an opportunity to tell our community how they would be adapting their services in order to continue to serve the loyal local shoppers.

We provided free daily meditation sessions each morning to encourage group support, manage increasing anxiety and relaxation techniques.

Unable to offer massage and Reiki face to face our work shifted 100% online where we offered complimentary talk therapy to front line workers struggling to cope with the unprecedented demand for their help .

We at PT have recognised the need to adapt to the changing future of therapy and recognise the advantages for client and practitioner of working with clients via secure online platforms.

In July when we were given the go ahead to re-open F2F practices we were inundated with requests for massage and we wish to thank all our clients for their support. It feels quite short lived though now the second lockdown is upon us and we are once again back to online only appointments for Talk therapy , distance Reiki, EFT and Meditation.

Feed back from our clients tells us that online therapy works but we recognise the powerful energy that is created with F2F contact especially that of groups so we have decided to embark on a new mission!

We are going to find a property and set up a retreat space somewhere warm!

The space we are looking for will then be a base for us to offer and provide all of the holistic practices that we offer now AND YOGA!

Our daughter Louisa is a fully qualified and experienced Yoga instructor who is currently teaching in Australia but will be joining us when we are set up to teach and share her experience with our guests.

Please get in touch with us if you would like to know more about any of the services we are providing online or information on the future retreats.

It has been a crazy year so far and we want to thank you for your support now and in the future .

Further updates will appear on our website and on our social media pages.

Once again thank you for your support