We currently offer worldwide, online services.


Talk Therapy

What is Talk Therapy? Talk Therapy could also be known as counselling or Psychotherapy and we, as professionals, use it to communicate with our clients.

Why Talk Therapy? Talking to a professional can help you to identify issues that are causing emotional distress. Sometimes it can be difficult to communicate our true feelings and emotions to another person. We can provide a safe, confidential space and work at a pace to suit you, thus building a trusting relationship and enabling you to explore these difficulties and or traumas. Our approach and style of therapy is engaging, supportive and interactive, as well as compassionate and empathic.

Our therapeutic modalities used include CBT, person centred therapy, Transactional Analysis, and integrate holistic practices including EFT (tapping) and meditation.



What is Mindfulness? It is a practice of living in the now, being present to one’s current situation. We as human beings often live based on previous decisions, ‘What I could have or should have done’, or we project into the future what could happen. This often invites negative thinking and disastrous outcomes

Why Mindfulness? The purpose of practising mindfulness techniques and living in the here and now grounds us to the reality and not the fantasy of our situation. It is from this place that we can truly deal with the difficulties we are confronted with and overcome them. The techniques and approaches we teach can help to reduce anxiety, maintain focus and gain clarity and perspective.

Our mindfulness practices include journaling, meditation, breath work, mindful eating and active listening.


Wellness Coaching

What is Wellness Coaching? Wellness Coaching helps you assess your current physical, emotional and mental state. We explore, motivate and support you to facilitate change where possible.

Why Wellness Coaching? The purpose is to help you understand how your beliefs and values around wellness may have originated, the affect on your current lifestyle and explore the possibilities of improvement and change. Moving forward, we can help you to set achievable goals, manage your expectations and intentions thus promoting success and inspiration.

Areas of wellbeing include physical and nutritional health, spirituality, mental health and mindset, relationships and connection to self and others.

1 hour sessions £65 or 1.5 hour combination sessions £90